There are many different ways you can serve the body here at New City Church. We believe that every believer is gifted and that God has given you your gifts to serve the church and the people around you. May God lead you to discover your gifts and put you in the right place to serve!
Serving the Church
New City Kids
11 adults volunteer their time and energy every week to bring up our children in the Lord! God has blessed us with a thriving children’s ministry, but there is always a need for volunteers in our classrooms.
Worship Team
The worship team faithfully leads New City in worship through song and prayer every Sunday morning. Volunteers are needed to play instruments, sing, or lead responsive readings.
AV Ministry
The AV team manages the sound on Sundays as well as the slides for worship. Two volunteers are needed weekly to run the AV booth.
Building & Grounds
The building & grounds team is responsible for our church building, and stewards it by conducting repairs, routine maintenance, interior decorating, and outdoor lawncare/upkeep.
Serving our City
Church Planting
Has God called you to seek the welfare of our city through a new church plant? Consider joining our New City Southside church plant group.
Justice Team
The Justice Team is committed to serving the needs of Kansas City. This team decides our monthly One Thing and organizes service projects for NCC.
Mercy Ministry
We are called to love and serve our church family as well as our neighbors. If you would like to be involved in dispensing benevolence, contact our deacon team.
Food Prep Team
In addition to planning our family potlucks, the food prep team is responsible for NCC’s monthly Neighborhood Breakfasts as an outreach to our community.
You are valuable, and your help in our church family is not only valued, but essential! Sign up to serve below. Or, if something you are interested is not listed above, please contact us! We’d love to help plug you in to the exact spot that the Lord has for you.