The DNA of the Church is Discipleship…

At its heart, the church is called to make and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ who love, trust, serve, follow and resemble their Creator and Savior… And the best part is we do not walk this path of discipleship alone, but are called to do so in community (Matt 28:18-20).

DNA Groups are just one way we may seek to live out our calling to be disciples who make disciples… 3 to 5 guys or girls gathering together to wrestle with what it means to worship and follow Jesus in the “every-day-ness” of life…

Three Foundational Questions:

1. What are the fundamental, distinctive, and unchangeable, characteristics of a disciple of Jesus that set the foundation for our lives in Christ?

2. How can I grow in these characteristics and become more like Jesus from the inside out?

3. How can I help you grow in your walk with Christ and encourage you in your discipleship?

Let the Holy Spirit use these questions and the ensuing conversations to take you into the Scriptures, into book studies, and– most importantly– into prayer together as you seek to grow in the knowledge and likeness of Christ…



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